Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My Political Worldview

I know it sounds simplistic, but I just want two candidates I can live with. That way I don't have to have nightmares regarding November. I get frustrated with the people who scrutinize the minutia looking for the perfect candidate. Guess what, people; the perfect candidate does not exist. And when you refuse to vote in a self-righteous huff, you give Washington one more reason why they don't need to listen to us. Why should they, when so few of the potential voters can't be bothered to show up.

I want a president with integrity, who will work hard and seek the well-being of the people. I want a president who is willing to listen to others. I want a president who admits their fallibility and learns from their mistakes. I want a president with baggage; that way I know I'm voting for a real person.

I don't want pettiness. I don't want exclusion. I don't want self-gratification. I don't want rhetoric or pretty catchphrases.

However, I realize that whoever I vote for will not embody all my wants. I can live with that. As long as they are willing to pour their heart out and work their ass off for the people.